Last year, Karen Graham wrote a great article about blogs that she loves. I’m starting a new tradition with that idea and sharing some blogs that I love this Valentine’s day. My list is a delicious variety of great nonprofit reads, marketing tips and just plain fun.

Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog – Kivi Leroux Miller’s blog always has great reports, ebooks and blog posts for the nonprofit marketer and/or communications staff. If you aren’t already following her blog, you should start doing that now. Blog

Nonprofit Talk – Nonprofit talk is not only great for the wonderful articles, but it’s also a site to get connected with your nonprofit peers. Join the Twitter chats Wednesdays with the hashtag #NPtalk. Twitter

Social Media Examiner – Social Media Examiner is near and dear to my heart. Not only is their marketing adorable, but they are an amazing resource for social media marketing – for both for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations, and everything in between. Have a social media question? SME probably has the answer. Blog

YNPN Twin Cities – I’m a little bit biased on this one, since I’m a volunteer for the Twin Cities chapter of YNPN, but their blog really is top notch. Every week, they release new posts aimed at the young nonprofit professional. If you’re new to your new career and are looking for great tips and insights on the field, check this blog out. Blog

JL8 – This is actually a tumblr/web comic, but I love it and want to share it with the world. I’m a huge Batman fan, and a fan of cute things — this is both of that. This is the Justice League… as children in elementary school. Take a short break in your busy day to enjoy these wonderful(ly adorable) comic strips. Tumblr

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Share some of your favorite blogs in the comments, I’d love to hear some new suggestions!

  • codewrangler February 12, 2015, 1:05 pm

    Hey! This is really great. I love blogs by Amanda and also chocolate!