Over the past few months, we’ve been working with a local Minnesotan website developer to re-envision thedatabank, gbc’s website – and we must say, we’re a fan of how it has turned out!

We hope you’ll take some time to peruse the new site and check out some of the changes we’ve made. Some pages you might be interested in are:

> New Team Pages! Get to know the team behind the mission at thedatabank, gbc with our new team pages and bios.

> B the Change – Learn about how thedatabank, gbc is a company that puts mission first, and we’re leading the charge in Minnesota to help others do the same.

> New client referral program – Get a discount on your Databank monthly subscription cost by telling others about your experience with us.

> Technology for Change blog – Our blog has a new look as well, and we think it looks pretty fresh. We hope you’ll check it out and also subscribe to receive insights, tips and resources for nonprofits on fundraising, advocacy, communication and more.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane via the Wayback Machine to see just how much the website has changed over the past 17 years since thedatabank was founded:

August 23, 2000

Look at that beauty. Oh early web, you had so much charm. That logo is pretty amazing as well.


August 29, 2004

We upped our game and got a little more structure and branding going on.


October 2, 2010

This is how the website looked when I started at thedatabank. We went from a few links to all of the links. (Side note: It looked less box-y IRL, for some reason when wayback machine saved it some of the fancy HTML we had doesn’t seem to have saved correctly.)


June 29, 2012

Again, something didn’t save right on wayback machine for the header area, but you can see we really stepped up our website game in 2012 and had a much more streamlined look. Not so overwhelming now!



We worked with a great local web developer to make our site easier to navigate and also to capture a little more of our personality throughout the site.


We hope you like the new look! If you have any comments, questions, concerns or issues with the new site, please email amanda@thedatabank.com. Thank you!