It’s hard to believe that 2012 will be coming to a close in just a few short days. We’ve had a great year here at thedatabank, helping nonprofits all over the country fulfill their missions. Here are some highlights of our work from the past year that might be of interest to you.

Blog Posts

The top three blog posts (by views) from 2012:

10 ways a database can help your fundraising efforts
by Jessica Haynie

Blackbaud Strikes Again for Its Investors
by Chris Hanson

Is Your Nonprofit a Good Date? Creating a Welcome Email Series
by William Naylor


thedatabank hosted four webinars in 2012, two for the general public and two for clients only.

SocialCRM for Nonprofits – Presented by Chris Hanson of thedatabank and Scott Miller of Social 123. In this webinar, Chris Hanson talked about how your organization can use social media to generate actual supporters, not just likes and followers. He also talked about ways to do this with tools such as the SocialCRM.

Google Analytics – Beyond the Basics – Presented by Robin Nielsen, Digital Marketing Consultant. In this webinar,Robin Nielsentalked about the more advanced features of Google Analytics such as goals, funnels, and dashboards and how they can help your organization. She also gave viewers a better understanding of a few of Google Analytics’ robust tools for tracking visitor’s behavior on your web site.

Product Enhancements

There were many great product enhancements added to the Databank in 2012. Here are just a few:

Form Builder – This standard tool allows for quick and easy creation and editing of forms right from within your Databank. As with all of our hosted forms, the data flows seamlessly into your Databank.

New User Interface for Meetings and Events Module – In March, our Meetings and Events module was updated with the new user interface. This update also included some new features that make creating and managing your events easier than ever.

Single Page Donation Forms – Single page donation forms combine donation level, donor info, and payment details into one page – and experts suggest that a single page form decreases abandonment rates on donation pages.

New Quick Find Feature – This feature allows your to type in a name, email, etc. into a search box on every page which then displays a drop down with 15 suggested members for your search. Similar to EZ-Query, but even simpler to use!

Online Petition Forms – A great way to collect signatures for an important cause and add new contacts to your Databank. The petition list displays name and city/state of each person who signs.

We look forward to a new year of sharing our knowledge, insights, and tools with you!