It’s no secret that predatory lending has become a huge problem in this country. Housing Action Illinois, client of thedatabank, would like to see it eliminated and they have just gotten one step closer. Thanks to new anti-predatory lending legislation passed by Illinois Governor Blegojevich, starting June 1, 2008, Illinois families seeking new mortgages will be protected from the predatory practices of many subprime lenders. This can range from offering interest-only loans to offering borrowers loans they can’t afford.

Housing Action Illinois sent out an action alert to their members recently, asking them to contact Governor Blegojevich and encourage him to sign the anti-predatory lending legislation. This legislation was being threatened by vetoes proposed by the Illinois Association of Mortgage Brokers. The response by Housing Action Illinois’ members proved effective because the bill was signed in its entirety by Blegojevich on November 2, 2007.

How does Housing Action Illinois’ Advocacy Software Module operate? Housing Action Illinois sends out an email to their supporters, urging them to visit a page on their website where they can contact their legislator(s). The Action Alert page provides the activist with a sample message that they can send to their legislator (which is already filled in for them, based on where they live). They can send it immediately with one click, or they can personalize the message and then send it.

thedatabank’s Advocacy Software Module, which allows people to take action with the click of a button, has a much higher response rate than asking them to make a phone call or write a letter on their own time, because it makes taking action so easy and quick. Housing Action Illinois can even track the response rate of each action alert in their Databank, which provides them with details such as how many people told a friend and how many people took action.

For more information on Houing Action Illinois, visit

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