dBot is the Databank’s new AI-Powered Assistant.

Integrated into your Databank, dBot helps empower your nonprofit to enhance constituent interactions, streamline communication processes, and unlock new opportunities for fundraising, volunteer management, and mission-driven activities. Begin a no pressure conversation with one of our Solution Strategists today!

Key features of dBot include:

  • Efficient & Compelling Content Creation: dBot leverages advanced natural language processing algorithms to provide compelling copy drafts and graphics for all your stakeholder communications. dBot can help create emails, social media and blog posts, direct mail, text messages, and other communications relevant to your supporters.
  • Data Understanding: AI tools analyze large datasets to uncover patterns and insights, providing nonprofits with a deeper understanding of their supporters, beneficiaries, and operational challenges – enabling you to make more informed decisions and optimize your strategies.
  • Ease of Access: Using natural language processing, lengthy multi-step queries are a simple search away using effective prompts in your dBot search tool.

Interested in receiving a demo?


Additional Resources:

We can help if your nonprofit or government organization needs software for:

  • Constituent & Member Relations
  • Fundraising and Online Donations
  • Advocacy
  • Program Management
  • Email Communications
  • Coalitions
  • Data Analysis & Reporting
  • And much more

Talk with us today to see how we can help your organization create a solution that fits. If it turns out we aren’t a good match, no worries. We won’t try to sell you something that isn’t a good fit your organization.