It’s been a stressful year in the nonprofit world and, well, everywhere. You work hard, but sometimes you need a distraction. I’ve compiled a few websites that help me de-stress when things get tough, and I hope they help you too. They might come in handy for your year-end fundraising campaign!

Soy tu Aire – Plays a soothing song that you “paint” by moving your mouse. Beautiful animation and lovely music.

Silk – Like a digital Spirograph. There’s something so calming about symmetry.

green and blue digital snowflake

A snowflake I made in Silk using thedatabank’s colors

Coffitivity – Can’t get out of the office? Coffitivity plays the sounds of quiet cafe chitchat so you can get some work done without shelling out $6 for a latte.

The Tone Matrix – Click on little squares to compose a song. It reminds me a bit of popping bubble wrap but with the extra reward of music!

Rainymood – Put this on in the background and you’ll instantly experience the gentlest thunderstorm and most calming rain sounds imaginable. Be careful not to fall asleep.

Listen to Wikipedia – This is an audiovisual representation of realtime edits on Wikipedia. Circles in different sizes and colors appear as edits occur, and are accompanied by a nice chiming tone. The background music helps keep me focused, but it’s interesting to see what’s being edited just now (as I’m writing this, edits are being made to topics as diverse as Dynasties in Chinese History, the bench press, and Hercule Poirot, among many others).


Carla Hall’s Chicken Pot Pie with Skillet Biscuits – Ok, this has nothing to do with technology, but I care about you and your well-being so it is my duty to share this recipe with you. When you need to soothe yourself with some rich and delicious food, you can do no better than this amazing chicken pot pie.

We’re in this together, nonprofit friends. Let’s do everything we can to take care of ourselves, our coworkers, and our communities in a changing world.