Chris Hanson

5 ways to boost your fundraising logo

Lessons from social science to help you fundraise better

Guest post by Augustus Franklin, CEO of CallHub, a Complementary Service Provider for thedatabank. CallHub is an award winning Voice and SMS cloud based service used by political campaigns, businesses and advocacy groups. Every fundraising campaign is in search of better and more effective ways to meet their campaign goals. For a fundraiser to be… Read more

three envelopes of different sizes

Designing accessible email for all

Creating inclusive messaging is an important and worthwhile task, and many of us will spend the time and effort to ensure that the content of our message is welcoming and inclusive. But is the same amount of thought and consideration being spent ensuring that the delivery of the message is inclusive as well? Over 56… Read more

Workers in hard hats and bright vests standing at a table where someone is speaking to them

Fostering public-private workforce development partnerships through technology

Job creation is always a hot topic in and out of politics. While job creation is good and necessary, just as important is developing workers with the skills and knowledge to fill those jobs. What is workforce development? Workforce development is an essential practice to help ensure that workers have the necessary skills and knowledge… Read more

child exploring nature

Resources for those new to the world of nonprofits

I’m going to be upfront with you here. When it comes to nonprofits, I do not know what I’m talking about. Just take a look at my search history. You see? I’m pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff. Well, that is, I was clueless. After graduating college this June, I joined thedatabank, gbc… Read more

crowdrise and paypal logos

Exciting updates in the Databank

Effective immediately, we now have two options for clients to use PayPal as a payment option. The first one is using PayPal as a payment gateway provider. With this, they can use PayPal services to process their donations, set up recurring payments, and more. Clients can also use PayPal Checkout, which is not a gateway provider… Read more