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Databank Essentials

Fundraising and Communication Essentials from thedatabank, gbc™

Client Agreement

I. Highlights of features and services included in this agreement:

A. The Databank – a customized CRM (constituent relationship management) database and the backbone of Databank Essentials. Store information on up to 10,000 constituent records, both individuals and organizations. Some of the standard fields are name, contact information, contact preferences, and source. Up to 14 client defined fields are included.

B. Donation and Pledge Tracking – Track all online and offline transactions, including date, amount, campaign (appeal code), and other details. Support for recurring/sustaining gifts.

C. Donate Form – A secure online form including a heading, personalized introductory text, up to 4 ask amounts plus “other amount” option, recurring giving options, payment by check, ACH or credit card, and personalized thank you text. Forms can be edited by the client. Online donations are processed through the Payment Gateway and deposited in the client’s account within 1-7 days (depending on Payment Gateway) after posting. Donors receive an automatic email acknowledgment and the donation is automatically recorded in the Databank.

D. eMarketing Tools – Using our own integrated PowerMail bulk email
platform, design HTML emails or use the Drag and Drop editor, add Tell-A-Friend features, and send
emails to any segmented list. Bounces and subscriptions are handled
automatically and recorded in a contact’s Activity History. Access reports
on actions of contacts such as click through or unsubscribe. Templates
included. Unlimited email messages included.

E. Communication – Basic Bulk email, Text Message to a cell phone ($0.05/text message), and mailing labels included. No additional cost.

F. Subscribe Form – A secure online Sign Up form including a heading,
personalized introductory text, unlimited number of client-defined
subscription options, and personalized thank you text. Form can be
edited by client. Subscribers receive an automatic email acknowledgment
and the subscription preferences are automatically recorded in the

G. Activity History – The Databank stores a detailed activity history
for each record including the date, type and method of contact, person
who made the activity, and notes. Activity histories are searchable and
can be bulk-updated.

H. Data Management – Data entry for additional records, contacts,
communication, campaigns and transactions as needed. The system features
a sophisticated tool for identifying and merging duplicate records on

I. Automatic Address Verification – Address Verification keeps your data standardized and conforms to postal code preferences.

J. Searches – Virtually any field in the Databank can be searched.
Multi-step searches can also be named and saved. Search results can be
flagged. Integrated mapping feature.

K. Reports – Includes on-the-fly Roster Reports, and Fundraising
Reports. Select any set of data and output in a roster format. One-click
executive reports such as top donors, lapsed donors, campaign overview
and progress reports. All reports can be viewed on screen or downloaded.

L. Exporting Data – Lists can be exported or downloaded in a variety
of formats, including mailing labels, text files, vCard, and csv files.

M. Relationships – Links can be created between records in the Databank, with user-defined relationship types and roles.

N. Custom Fields – Up to 14 client defined fields are included.

O. User Account – Unlimited User Accounts included. The client is
responsible for password security. Please keep your password safe and
change it frequently.

P. Data Import – Clients have two options to move existing lists into the Databank:

1. Use the Databank’s self-serve file import tool.

2. Hire our technicians to import data, billed at an hourly rate.

II. Timeline and setup process

A. Application checklist:

1. Provide your organization’s contact information and Federal Tax ID number (online)

2. Review and accept this agreement (online)

3. Provide payment information (online)

4. Set up your Payment Gateway.

B. Accounts are set up within 2 business days after receiving your
application. At that time you will receive a welcome message, your login
information, training and support resources, and further instructions.

C. Databank staff will work with you to create your Subscription and
Donation forms. Payment processing aspect of donation form will be
completed following payment gateway setup and authorization.

D. You will receive data import instructions along with your login
information. Self-serve data import can begin immediately, and requests
for assistance will be assigned to technical staff.

E. In the event that your organization is disqualified, we will notify you within 2 business days of your application.

III. Pricing and payment

A. One-time setup fee– $250 charged upon approval of your account application.

B. Subscription – The subscription will be paid via electronic fund
transfer (EFT/ACH) or credit card, in three month increments, at the
beginning of each rolling three month period. The first three months
will be charged at the time of your account activation. Monthly price
tiers are as follows:

Databank Essentials Price Tiers
0 – 5,000 records $99.00
5,001 – 6,000 records $109.00
6,001 – 7,000 records $119.00
7,001 – 8,000 records $129.00
8,001 – 9,000 records $139.00
9,001 – 10,000 records $149.00

The account price is calculated at the time of billing and that price
is charged in 3 month increments. No refunds or credits will be paid to
the client if the record count fluctuates below the billed amount
within the 3 months. No penalties or additional payments will be
required by the client if the record count fluctuates above the billed
amount within the 3 months.

C. Data migration work, if needed, is billed at an hourly rate. The current rate is $100/hour.

D. 30 day money back guarantee – If you are not satisfied with
Databank Essentials within the first 30 days, your setup fees and first
three months’ subscription payment will be refunded. Simply email your
request to guarantee@thedatabank.com within 30 days after your account
has been activated.

E. If the database size exceeds the 10,000 record limit, the client
will have a 30 day grace period in which to reduce the size. If after 30
days the database size is still over 10,000 records, an upgrade to a
Databank Fundraising or Databank Advocacy account will be required.
Upgrade fees apply and monthly billing will be adjusted accordingly.
Contact your Account Representative at any time for information about
Upgrade features, Add ons, Upgrade benefits and price estimates.

IV. Other terms of agreement

A. Maintenance – Electronic backups are performed in real time, and
the entire system is backed up on tape once a day. These tapes are
stored at a secure offsite facility. System upgrades are provided
automatically as soon as they become available. System performance is
monitored 24/7 and adjustments are made as necessary for optimal

B. Training –

1. Ongoing training – Topical group trainings are available at no
extra charge for the life of your account, via a live web conference.
On-demand video tutorials are also available. Please anticipate and
commit to approximately 6 hours of training to learn your Databank

C. Support –

1. Support is provided free of charge through the thedatabank’s
Online Support Center and the Support Request Form in your Databank. The
Online Support Center features electronic requests, status tracking,
tips and discussion forums for our users. Detailed User Guides are also
available through the Databank’s Help menu.

2. Support requests will be answered Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central time.

3. Additional Paid Support: Phone support is available for $100 per
hour, charged in 15 minute increments, $25 minimum per call. Phone calls
are billed and charged to the client’s billing credit card immediately
following completion of the call.

D. Data Access and Administration – The Client is responsible for data entry and data integrity.

E. Rights to Data and Application – thedatabank, gbc will retain
ownership and all rights to the application, including program codes and
interfaces. The Client will retain complete ownership of all related
member data that is input and or derived from the use of the system.
thedatabank, gbc will not at any time rent, exchange or use any client

F. thedatabank, gbc is responsible for the security of credit
cardholder data that we handle, store, process or transmit on Client’s

G. No Spam – thedatabank, gbc has a strict anti-spam policy. Any
client found to be using the Databank for spam will be immediately cut
off. The full policy is available at www.thedatabank.com.

H. Security – All client data will be maintained in a “Tier 1” secure
data server environment with state-of-the art security. Access to the
database requires a password. Data is encrypted in transmission using
SSL encryption.

V. Length of Agreement – This is a perpetual  agreement. Either party
may terminate or cancel this Agreement at any time for any reason by
giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. The Agreement
and service will be terminated at the first of the month after the
30-day notice has been received.

Please contact thedatabank, gbc at 612-455-2255 or info@thedatabank.com if you have any questions prior to accepting this agreement.