Mark Paquette

Fundraising statistics and your database

Love them or fear them, the story of your Fundraising Program comes down to the numbers. As a Fundraiser, there’s increasing pressure to tell that story, not only internally, but also to be transparent to your stakeholders. Not surprisingly, a good deal of what is useful in your Fundraising Stats is dependent on how you… Read more

Know your supporters – Use click-through tracking to understand their personalities

Do you know your members? How well do you really know them? If you open up your database and pick a random member, you probably have good information on how much they’ve given, how often they open their emails, and what events they’ve attended. But what do you know about their personalities? Can you answer… Read more

Three things that make your database painful to use, and how to fix them (Part 3 – indecipherable codes)

Do you ever want to break up with your database? Sit it down and give it the “It’s not you, it’s me,” speech? Ever thought that it might actually be you? I’ve been working in the nonprofit technology world since 2004 and I’ve met many organizations who want to break up with their databases. Sometimes… Read more

How does text to donate fit with your database?

Text to Donate is a tantalizing option for many Nonprofits seeking an extra channel to engage donors. The most appealing aspect of the Text To Donate mechanism is that it couldn’t be any simpler: All a donor has to do is text a short code to a special number and they are automatically billed for… Read more

Three things that make your database painful to use, and how to fix them (Part 2 -secret stashes)

Since you clicked on the link to this blog post, chances are you are having trouble with your database, or maybe you know someone who does. Well you aren’t alone. In this series we’re looking at three things that can make your database suck be less than ideal. Last time we looked at what happens… Read more